25 June 2009

帶一抽朋友去旅行。Alone on the road, or not.



又,她去了電影Before Sunset 中出現的Shakespeare & Co.,是繼A小姐後第二位去過朝聖的朋友了…幾時輪到我?嗚嗚嗚。

又又,G小姐,請看這裡,即使身邊沒有伴兒,終有一天,我都會walk this walk 的。


amy said...

you can go take a short course at the alliance francasie in paris! i had actually thought about going alone for two weeks years ago but it was winter time when i had the chance and i decided to visit the laws instead because i was afraid i would be depressed there in the long winter nights.

choose a month in early summer and go! :)

Judy said...

Short course, that sounds nice, but I have forgotten all the French I have learnt years ago....remember I once took French courses at AF HK for a year?!

Haha, wondering if we'd have the chance of visiting the Laws together again, someday someday?? Maybe when we're really old....oh. "Fake teeth and the city" hahahahaha?

luigigi said...

I did talk to sb, in French though. (you will recall your French when you are there). I made new friend too. So not exactly not talking wor. I met my cousin for 2 days in London. I think that a perfect trip includes time for yourself and time with others.
As I uploaded photos daily during my trip, it saved me time to organise it now after the trip.

amy said...

the courses at AF paris target on all levels, even those who are absolute beginners. go go go! :P