30 June 2010

angelic baby (edited).

前文指「永遠笑咪咪的小B」, 得意到暈的啊。
抱住佢會覺得, 佢EMBODY左「結婚生子的快樂」。

真的, 永遠笑咪咪,
當然, 亦臣服在我的BABY MAGNET 魔力之下!

(copied from Facebook, edited) My friend and neighbor has two boys, one grumpy and emotional at times, and YET - a kid with the sweetest smile all the same. I just said to their parents last night: 你能想像大B日後果"D" (係"D"!!) 女朋友會幾慘嗎?? (絕對係一啖沙糖一啖...), and the other one always angelic - always smiling and staring devotedly at you, you will fall in love with your own reflection in his eyes..., as I describe, "a happy and gentle kid, by default".

Perhaps, the two of them embody the dual nature ("heaven and hell") of marriage and having kids? To put it in a zen-ish way: no matter how happy you are, you are doomed to be equally unhappy in the same relationship (with your spouse and kids), one time or the other. 

有幾開心, 就一定有幾唔開心?! 
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6月30日, 家駒逝世17年的這一天。回歸前夕。今天天氣清朗。

在遠方的南韓, 一位主演 (一齣我超愛!!的!!) 韓劇"ON AIR" 的男演員朴容夏 (演得真是好), 清晨在家裡自殺身亡。前一天在在報上得悉, 他八月會接拍南韓版的「甜蜜蜜」喎…

世事無常, 人生, 就是如此。

29 June 2010


"I am looking for men," said the little prince. "What does that mean--'tame'?" (...)

"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties."
"'To establish ties'?"
"Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world..." (...)

"My life is very monotonous," the fox said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat . . ."
The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.

"Please--tame me!" he said.
"I want to, very much," the little prince replied. "But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand."
"One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me..."
"What must I do, to tame you?" asked the little prince.
"You must be very patient," replied the fox. "First you will sit down at a little distance from me--like that--in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day..." (...)

And he went back to meet the fox.
"Goodbye," he said.
"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose . . ."

"I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.

(The Little Prince, Chapter 21)

以前說過了, 友好畢先生的大兒子最喜歡到LIFT口「伏」搭緊LIFT上佢地屋企的我 (不是我的專利項目! 他所有親友都會中伏的... ), 久而久之, 每次搭緊LIFT的時候, 我都會期待著、想著畢大B今次又會在哪個位置「伏」我, 又邊期待著、邊回想他見到我中伏後的大笑聲。

想著也覺快樂, 繼而又更期待。

有那麼一次, 開LIFT, 竟!!然!!無!!人!! 咩事?! (原來大B未食完飯, 被綁牢在椅上, 動彈不得), 我有說不出的失落。
又有那麼一次, 有兩個人跟我同LIFT, 我一直在想, 一陣點算呢…果然, 一開LIFT門, 畢大B在大叫歡迎我。我想, 一定嚇壞了我身後的女士們。

上星期, 如常地貢上畢家, 如常地在LIFT裡期待著大B的出現…
一開LIFT門 (慢慢打開來…5CM…10CM…), 竟然是畢先生抱著沉默而永遠笑咪咪的小B在歡迎我!

我一時反應不來, 竟然叫了出來! 呀!! 大B呢? 去左邊? 點解會咁嘅? (又係未食完飯…)

狐狸、馴養和期待, 就是這麼一回事。

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

21 June 2010

沒有對白的動物。animals without dialogues.

我的工作以「件」(air time) 計, 因此, 同樣長度的節目 (30分鐘), 超少對白 (例: discovery channel/ 高清台的風光如畫超大 wide shot 無人講野紀錄片/ 打到飛起的B級動作片/ 「另類動作片」= 色情片... 後兩者是很多translators 的「至愛」, 哈哈哈哈!!) 跟多對白到嘔 (例: 劇情文藝電影, 一般 tv series,  又, 我見過史上最痴線的例子是一齣舞台劇改篇的電影, 是正常電影的4倍對白, 由開場至散場都是幾個男人在鬧交, 我同事譯完, 完全顛左), 收費是一樣的。

發稿的admin 同事了解各同事的「戲路」, 通常由佢決定發咩稿俾我地, 基於戲路問題, 我一連做了n 輯青春電視劇, 幾個劇快season finale 了, 因此, 係時候打電話「求好稿」(再次強調, 這裡是「好」不是「好睇」的「好」而是「好譯」即可以盡快收工的稿)了!

我: 喂, xxx 同yyy 就黎做完, 跟住發咩稿俾我呀? 可唔可以俾d「無對白的動物片」俾我做下, 舒緩下呀?

同事: 哦, 唏, 動物片d 動物就梗係無對白架啦, 不過vo 可能好多野講個喎...

我: (在寧靜咖啡店裡爆笑)

20 June 2010

a room of one's own.

sex and the city 2 最令我感動的, 是"a room of one's own" (找一個讓你喘息的個人空間, 做回自己hea番陣) 的概念, 就連母性爆棚的charlotte, 在今集裡也有勇氣去面對 (verbalise出來, 並實行給自己放個小休, 做回自己) 做母親給自己的壓力, 借用carrie 的舊居, 久不久上去住番晚, 做回自己。

我媽也需要這個空間呢: 最近幾個月搬屋裝修的事, 勾起吳生吳太的積怨, 吵架是常見的事, 今早吵得比較兇。這天晚上晚飯後, 老媽跑了去已裝修好的舊居, 10時多了 (她正常的上床時間是9時多) 仍未回來, 就令我想起charlotte和carrie 的房間。

18 June 2010

我愛甲男。J loves R.


我:咁你見到AUNTIE JUDY有幾開心呀?


16 June 2010

Online photo exhibitions.

(1) Went to Cattle Depot for a photo exhibition today. 

2010年06月5日 - 2010年06月18日

Found the photographer's project online. Take a look.

100 x 100

photographs of residents in their flats in hong kong's oldest public housing estate: 100 rooms, each 100 square feet in size. 

一百間一百呎的房間, 一百個故事, 好想細聽!

(2) 在FLICKR 上遊日去! 六月是日本的繡球花季, 三年前特地去欣賞過,念念不忘。在FLICKR找到此君的每天花之情報UPDATE. 其實令我更想去!! 無奈也。

14 June 2010

意粉女和格仔餅男。Spaghetti Woman and Waffle Man.

某本很不錯的男女關係書, 用意粉女 (spaghetti woman)和格仔餅男 (waffle man)來形容男和女。

意粉女: 把「事」和「情」(基本上係人生中的所有野!!)混為一談, seamless connections.

格仔餅男: 人生分為一格格, 事就是事, 情就是情, 人就是人 (例: 因此, 千萬千萬不要在他們看電視unwind 時, 問佢其他野, 或以為佢唔出聲睇電視係因為「有心事」- 你搞錯哂喇, 女人!)

今天的例子: 我明明在看sex and the city 2, 唔關我事的四個女人 (有人話係 "aunties"喎, 嘿) 的故事, 睇睇下卻想起我的好友甲和乙, 想起我們的友誼, 想起我們的故事... 銀幕上銀幕下, 混為一談了。

兩性的"battle"/ 煩惱/ 誤會, 很多時候, 根源都是因為我們以為對方跟自己一樣, 是意粉男/ 格仔餅女。

13 June 2010

spammers, spammers, go away!

Blogspot has much fewer spammers than other blog sites. However, they still do exist.
A recent spammer left a comment on my blog:

你的部落帶給我愉快的心情,感謝」then of course, a x-rated website's hyperlink....

真謙虛, 相比起我的部落, 閣下的咸網準能帶給更多人更愉快的心情吧? 嘿。

10 June 2010

窩心對答。That's what friends are.

我問: 「男女之間有「知己」關係嗎? 可能嗎? 」
某異性知己答: 「我同妳一齊答咗」


經驗告訴我, 異性知己絕對有可能, 最重要是識得SET界線。


有時候, 本來作丈夫的那位人兄是我的好朋友, 
後來搞搞下, 我跟他的太太更FRIEND, 哈哈。

想搵「定」LEI 的時候可以閃去佢地屋企,
想做「偽媽媽」時可以BABYSIT 他們的孩子。 

預備七月用的材料時, 周圍問下聽下,
我發現, 上帝在「朋友」CATEGORY上, 

還有, 我真的很愛我的朋友。

09 June 2010

internet-less home.

我有一對年輕的美國人夫婦朋友(來自中部小鎮的純真小孩), 在香港認識的, 他們生活了一年, 就搬回美國, 再搬去無雷宮咁遠的阿...拉...斯...加...工作。

他們一直過著跟香港很不一樣的生活, 剛才發現, 原來他們家裡是沒有INTERNET 的, 要用就在公司裡上上網。

多不一樣的生活!! 跟大城市裡IPHONE 不離手的美國人也很不一樣吧, So cool, so nice.
可能我的前世是個美國小鎮人?! 這種非城市化的生活, 比較適合我。

我雖不可一日無internet, 未iphone/apple化的生活, 仍然ok。

又, 每年聖誕, 我也暗自盼望收到郵寄的聖誕咭 (ok, 環保起見, 收一張都夠開心的了), 最近幾年, 每年收到唯一的一張 (公司promo, 公務關係如保險經紀那些不計喇!!), 都是阿拉斯加夫婦寄來的啊, 很窩心的啊。


邀約畢先生畢太太開「天天天晴」首播飯局, 畢先生以font size 36回覆我, 以示興奮啩?!

收email 時我正收看超浪漫的韓劇 (成齣劇最浪漫果一 part, 我覺得 - 係, 我之前煲過又睇, 唔俾呀?!), 以音量45「哈哈哈」大笑了出來。

火小姐, 你的末日來了, 未來一年我肯定又會瘋狂提瘋狂寫「明世安醫生」的了。

見唔見我開左個"someday"的tag (天的英文名), 嘿嘿嘿。

07 June 2010

天天天晴. SOMEDAY.

不得了, 看到劇情大橋, 已經超想睇。
天天天晴 @ TVB

天意雖難測 雨過總天晴

除了心一家面對種種問題,圍繞心身邊一群「龍福」員工,智障的行政助理郭偉龍、長短腳走路一拐一拐的打金師傅湯大雄、在「龍福」樓上經營餐館「朝八晚九」的苟文虎及學廚冼樸兩師徒,各自都有不同難題要面對… 人生高低有時,禍福無定,每個人遇到挫敗、困難時,應付方法都不同。無論做人做事的成敗關鍵,往往取決於態度。

我好認同最後一段話, 正能量到爆。

05 June 2010


15萬, 又爆!! 今晚遲了進場, 連蠟燭都拿不到, 派!!清!!光!! 太好了。

倘若我輩看不到平反的一天 (華叔接受明報訪問時, 認命似地說他有生之年大概看不到平反的一天, 看時我眼眶即時紅了起來...), 不要緊, 可以把希望寄放在80後和90後身上, 我不會再質疑「佢地當年都未出世, 又知D咩野呀」喇, 有WEB就有真的假不了的資料, 供他們翻閱。(WEB2.0 我愛你!)

今晚, 我切實地感到身邊那些年輕人散發的「力量」, 不容少覤。

王丹在TWITTER說 (WEB2.0 這個晚上, 我真的好愛你!!), 希望終有一天可以跟港人一起在維園悼念。


更希望到時, 華叔依然健在。

01 June 2010

with these small hands.... 一雙小手。

我個子小, 手手腳腳自然都超迷你。
每當開唔到樽蓋時 (我隻手細到幾乎cover 好些樽蓋, 發唔到力…)


或者, 發明一個開蓋機械人, 都得。


發明一隻幫「手細人士」發力的手套, 可能真係work喎...
好似kitchen glove咁, 但係用仿真/ 假手果d material 做...
一套入去, 好似avalon 果條飛龍咁, 同我隻真手接合,
