30 March 2009



對了,跟he's just not that into you完全無關,電影是前天看的。別亂猜喇。是完全另外的一些事。

he's just not that into you.

The book is way better than the movie - if you are looking for a "slap in your face" effect, than a sweet marshmallow-y dream.

The movie is too hard trying to conjure a coherent fictional story from the book, which is in fact a Q&A style relationship guide book - so, the movie ends up with interweaving characters who know each other.

AND, the disappointment for me is that the movie adds a Hollywood happily ever after ending (as my friend said, the movie first slaps you in the face, then, gives you a candy in the end as comfort, while the book slaps you in the face and that's it, nothing). Such ending is totally opposite to what the book is saying all along, "you are not the exception, you are the rule".

With such an ending, the movie becomes a date movie and pleases all the couples who go and watch it as a date movie, I guess. If a film is made 100% like the book, it would be a HORROR movie instead.

So, why do I seem to know so much about a book called "He's Just Not That Into You"? A confession, I read it (at lightspeed, I remember, ha) at a time when I needed someone to tell me this:

"He's just not that into you".

Yes, he's just not that into me.
Probably, he was never into me, anyway.

26 March 2009




3月25日晚,本來考慮看全度妍and河正佑的「愛情回水一日遊」(即是MY DEAR ENEMY!!) 後來作罷。結果,好朋友多了一張票子,陪他看他的心水片子…結果,出哂事!全片僅長84分鐘,我們捱了一小時便提早離場,再一次中了「電影節小冊子精彩絕倫的介紹」的陷阱!友情回水一日遊呀,老友。


24 March 2009

The Reader. 讀愛。

讀愛這個譯名很搶眼 (對文藝青年而言!),但其實-


千萬不要帶著愛情片、更甚帶著「三級性情片」(自作term! 哈哈哈!)的眼光進場,否則會把你悶壞!也是老中青三名演員的演技實力大比拚時間: Kate Winslet 固然精彩 (看罷十分十分後悔,沒到戲院看Kate 和Leonardo 的「浮生路」Revoluntionary Road),少年米高 David Cross(只有18歲的小伙子!)的演出也見層次,眉宇間也跟Ralph Fiennes 出奇相似。



因為工作關係(HKAFA亞洲電影大獎 3月24日即是今晚 晚上8時半 明珠台 我有份翻譯呀睇啦睇啦), 直到今天才認真研究今年國際電影節的戲碼, 這才發現, 日本電影《橫山家之味》(HKAFA 最佳導演獎作品) 導演是 是枝裕和 (很喜歡啊!), 男主角是阿部寬 (超喜歡啊!), 女配角是樹木希林 (很欣賞啊!), 而女主角竟是阿部寬在日劇《不能結婚的男人》(超超喜歡!!呀!!呀!!呀!!) 的舊拍檔夏川結衣 (超超超喜歡!!!) - 哎呀!!

後知後覺的我, 工作完畢即CHECK 《橫》片售票情況, 一場已滿, 一場未滿 - 但是, 那天我「要」開會啊 - 哎呀呀!!


23 March 2009




我看的電影是「讀愛」(THE READER),很想問問我身後的講男先生講女女士:喂!你地唔將銀幕上發生的每件事每本書名「讀」出來,係咪會死架呢?

08 March 2009

Still humming.

humming frantically (true)...don't like this...
humming crazily (true)...
humming non-stop (not in tune, but true)!

humming gently (false, I wish)...

humming beautifully (false, I wish)...
humming softly (oh, I've got it!)

Here you are, the amended lyrics.

auntie judy humming softly
to the tune of 小(小)姑娘

miss the dumplings made by rafa's
amazing papa in beijing

Care to join me?

Saturday lunchtime is the most relaxing to me.
Good food, nice coffee,
great sharing time with a good friend.

Care to join me next time?

Early reservation recommended.
No early-bird special though.

For the foodies out there, to save you asking -
this is back ribs @ Ginko House on Temple Street.
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you were always on my mind.

Two songs are playing interchangeably in my mind these past few days.

Entirely different styles, and for entirely different reasons.

(1) 小小姑娘 This is a song dedication to dear Rafael.
(If you know what this is all about, enjoy it along with Rafa. If not, just let the tune pass, you'll be fine, haha.)

auntie judy humming frantically
to the tune of 小(小)姑娘

miss the dumplings made by rafa's
amazing papa in beijing

(2) "Sally's Song" (from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" - a wonderful but dark-ish movie, perhaps not for kids?! Go go go watch it if you haven't. I just LOVE Tim Burton.)

In Joanna Wang's 王若琳 concert in Hong Kong, she sang this song and said it has a big influence on her music style. Found later that one of her favorite musicians is Danny Elfman. You can watch her sing it here.

It makes me want to watch "Nightmare" again, oh Sally.

06 March 2009

The world which "they" live in.




05 March 2009

"hear a pin drop".

Last night I went to Lisa Ono's concert (HK Arts Festival finale performance, 2 more shows but all sold out as I have been told, sorry we missed you), it's simply Bossa Nova heaven.

When she sang "Moon River", there's just light guitar and piano accompaniment, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Total silence, all ears and eyes (and all the other senses!!) focus on her tenderly voice.

If there's one thing I could change about my life (well, I can still start now, of course....), it's to learn a music instrument of some sort, of any sort. Music can do things even movies (haha) and literature cannot to one's soul.

01 March 2009

mama mia



看完「日日有食神」(今晚主題是澳門),卻又激發我跟老媽重新研究早前提過的吳氏四傻澳門之旅。她又問問我找工作的情況,最近翻譯工作的稿量。然後,她多玩一會「channel surfing」便去睡了。




