27 August 2011

E = MC2....?!?!

我二哥是個物理學家 <- 堅啩? (瘋狂/ IQ??!!) 博士 一枚來的呀 (哈哈哈)。
頭先我路經科學館, 順便睇埋那個愛因斯坦展, 我死盯著那些介紹廣義狹義相對論呀光電效應呀的展板和VIDEOS, 忽然間, 忽然間 -- 覺得亞哥好叻, 嘿嘿。

又, 博物館全年通行證, 實在是政府一大德政啊!! 一家老少的朋友, 推薦你們買家庭證, 基本上係買大送細, 十個抵!!


v said...

maybe i should get a pass too... we've been to the shatin museum twice, within a week...

Judy said...

v: but then would you still go after "the school is opened"? my friends with kids go to different museums on many sunday afternoons, so it's really 抵 for them -- far fewer people than the malls, the kids can run or venture around, and of course, 超強勁 air-con...