30 October 2010

tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.

reminds me of the broadway show we watched aeons ago in new york broadway, my dear miss a.

tale as old as time,
song as old as rhyme,
beauty and the beast.

my eternal favorite disney movie.
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27 October 2010

按個掣就有的BABY。baby vending machine.

當愛情結晶品變成科學實驗製成品, 當你有足以讓你呼風喚雨的家財, BABY 也變成「按個掣就有」的東西 - 一連按三下, 就生三個出來, 汽水機都唔可以一按三下出三罐汽水囉。

認真想想那三個好「複製羊FEEL」的小寶寶的人生, 真係好得人驚。當然, 99%的港人, 會視他們為「投胎投得好投得妙」的例子; 99% 的單身女人, 慶幸可以繼續造「嫁給李家傑, 做個上等人」的夢 - 仲附送做三個小孩子「後母」的大優惠...李先生單身做爸爸, 算是「後」母嗎?

15 October 2010

頭很大。big head red queen.

work, work, work, church ministry, outside ministry, work, work, work.

13 October 2010

不青春痘。adult acnes.

從小到大, 我都有青春痘的煩惱, 現在, 縱然青春不再, 因著生理周期的緣故, 青春痘每個月都會依期在我面上跟我say hi. 時多時少, 聽天由命。

生了孩子的女性朋友告訴我, 因著荷爾蒙的改變, 有青春痘煩惱的女人, 懷孕時/ 後有可能會變得皮光肉滑起來 (聽到這裡, 我就想找個男人結婚生孩子 - 沒錯, 就是為了解決青春痘的煩惱! 嘩, 我多過份!)

但她們接著說: 「也說不定啊, 有些人的暗瘡又會惡化, 火山爆發一樣」…

總之, 跟世上萬事一樣, 沒得說準喇。唉 ~

近年算ok 控制到我的「不青春痘」的推介, 有二:

(1) thursday plantation 的cleanser 和 tea tree gel, 相當good, 比the body shop 的tea tree line 好 (對我來說)

(2) 明色 藥用美顏水 : 莎莎賣$52 (80ml), 呢個簡直用上了癮! 爆得勁時用, 初用時, 覺得它有一股熟悉但又up唔出的味道, 想了很久, 終於想到 - 是西瓜霜的味道 (我有想過用西瓜霜開水會否有同樣效果, 你試下再告訴我吧!)...

由於不是每間莎莎都有賣, 每經過一間莎莎, 我都會入去巡巡舖, 有就入貨。

11 October 2010

最後曲奇。the last cookie.

the last cookie.
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情深說話盡情講。the last farewell to his wife.

年前寫過一篇《60歲的情書》的書評, 年少時那些 see weet see weet的時候說的情話, 甜在心, 卻「聽住先啦」。這下子對你說情話, 轉個頭可以話你get錯左, 或者, 你發現, 其實佢對個個女生都甜言蜜語, 或更甚, 講完就拜拜。

一對夫婦走了大半生, 仍說/寫得出情話/ 情書, 那才真心不怕紅爐火。以下是其中一篇。


"Over the years, she influenced my writing style. Now I write in short sentences, in the active voice. We gradually influenced each other's ways and habits as we adjusted and accommodated each other.
We knew that we could not stay starry-eyed lovers all our lives; that life was an on-going challenge with new problems to resolve and manage."

"We never argued over the upbringing of our children, nor over financial matters. Our earnings and assets were jointly held. We were each other's confidant. She had simple pleasures. We would walk around the Istana gardens in the evening, and I hit golf balls to relax.
Later, when we had grandchildren, she would take them to feed the fish and the swans in the Istana ponds."

"The last two years of her life were the most difficult. She was bed-ridden after small successive strokes; she could not speak but she was still cognisant.
Every night she would wait for me to sit by her to tell her of my day's activities and to read her favourite poems.
Then she would sleep.
I have precious memories of our 63 years together. Without her, I would be a different man, with a different life. She devoted herself to me and our children. She was always there when I needed her. She has lived a life full of warmth and meaning.
I should find solace at her 89 years of her life well lived. But at this moment of the final parting, my heart is heavy with sadness."

又, 他們在英國求學時, 是在Stratford-upon-Avon (莎翁故鄉!) 結婚的啊, how romantic.

05 October 2010

卑微的願望。tiny wishes.

有些卑微的願望達成了, 就快樂。
例如: 幾個朋友 (最好包括大食的人, 食兩粒就飽果d, 唔駛喇) 去吃元氣壽司, 把不同顏色、好多好多隻碟分番好, 再疊起來。

我有些朋友, 已經去到「唔食迴轉壽司」的級數, 我提議 (其實我都唔會再提議, 明知會碰壁...)食元氣, 會被人"geep" 我 (平生最討厭 "geep" 人的人)。

畢先生你說得對, 食完 $9 一粒的壽司, 我是不會打電話告訴別人, $100的才會。但是, $100一粒壽司的快樂, 較多在嘴邊, 而 $9 一粒壽司的快樂, 在心中。

註: (1) $9 一粒 跟$100一粒的壽司, 當然有分別, 我當然吃得出, 我不是傻子 (2) 畢先生, 你大概在想: 茱迪迪快d請我同老婆同亞仔去食$100一粒的壽司, 吃完後再告訴你分別吧 (3) 剛才的point #2 是癡人說夢, 拜拜。

下一個卑微的願望是: 找一班不怕膽固醇過高不怕熱氣不怕mud mud 物物的朋友, 去pizza express 隊啤吃pizza!!
年少時的我們, 吃個pizza 有幾難? 現在的我, 想吃一餐pizza, 難矣。(上星期就被人打沉左啦, 嘿)
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