Last night I went to Lisa Ono's concert (HK Arts Festival finale performance, 2 more shows but all sold out as I have been told, sorry we missed you), it's simply Bossa Nova heaven.
When she sang "Moon River", there's just light guitar and piano accompaniment, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Total silence, all ears and eyes (and all the other senses!!) focus on her tenderly voice.
If there's one thing I could change about my life (well, I can still start now, of course....), it's to learn a music instrument of some sort, of any sort. Music can do things even movies (haha) and literature cannot to one's soul.
oh how i hope i could be there at the concert too. you know what, rafael knows a lisa ono song as well. it's called "my boy" and he would point to lisa ono on the cd cover saying she's "my boy('s) mommy". :P
hey it's never too late to pick up any music instrument! remember i learned piano some years ago? it's really satisfying and calming to practise/play it. go go go!
我有一個培育小朋友嘅堅持,就係要她有1個宗教信仰,懂1種樂器及參與1項體育活動. 我覺得咁嘅人生會豐富好多.
amy: 巧高檔呀!! 等rafa 大d auntie judy 會帶佢去 jazz bar 架喇, well 可能係佢帶我去都未定?!
flo: 幾好的堅定,努力, 我最叻叻的運動係shopping, 駛唔駛教教佢? 仲有仲有, 要識番1個 (獨一無二!) bubu 姐姐呀
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